
I am a fourth-year Ph.D. student in Computer Vision at the University of Michigan, advised by Andrew Owens. Before that, I was a Master's student in UMich ECE (2021) and I did my bachelor's degree at UM-SJTU Joint Institute from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2019).
My primary research interest lies in Computer Vision and Deep Learning. I have spent wonderful years in computer vision group @ Michigan. During my Ph.D. I have been fortunate to intern at Codec Avatars Lab, Meta with Israel D. Gebru and Alexander Richard. I am honored to collaborate with David Fouhey, Justin Salamon and Bryan Russell.

I'm currently seeking full-time opportunities starting in Summer 2025. Please feel free to reach out if you have any openings!

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Audio in Metaverse
Multimodal Learning

My research so far has focused on audio-visual learning, multimodal learning (vision, audio, language, touch) and computer vision with self-supervision. Still, I am open to other topics as well.

Work Experience

Adobe Research,   May 2024 ~ Present
Research Scientist Intern
Host: Prem Seetharaman and Justin Salamon


  (* indicates equal contribution)

Images that Sound: Composing Images and Sounds on a Single Canvas
Ziyang Chen, Daniel Geng, Andrew Owens
NeurIPS 2024
CVPR 2024 AI Art Gallery
project page  ·  paper  ·  code  ·  bibtex

Real Acoustic Fields: An Audio-Visual Room Acoustics Dataset and Benchmark
Ziyang Chen, Israel D. Gebru, Christian Richardt, Anurag Kumar, William Laney, Andrew Owens, Alexander Richard
CVPR 2024 (Highlight -- 2.8% accept rate)
project page  ·  paper  ·  dataset  ·  bibtex

GPS-to-3D: Lifting Tourist Photos to 3D Using 2D GPS-Conditioned Diffusion
Chao Feng, Ziyang Chen, Aleksander Holynski, Alexei A. Efros, Andrew Owens
In submission



  • Conference: WACV 2023, CVPR 2023, ICCV 2023, CVPR 2024, SIGGRAPH 2024, ECCV 2024, NeurIPS 2024
  • Journal: IJCV

Teaching Assistant:

  • VE312 Digital Integrated Circuits, Fall 2018, UM-SJTU Joint Institute. With Yaping Dan.
  • VE311 Electronic Circuits, Summer 2019, UM-SJTU Joint Institute. With Chang-Ching Tu.


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